Friday, December 22, 2023


Colorado Supreme Court declares Trump ineligible on the 2024 ballot for trying to overthrow the U.S. Government......explained Trump, "Those Jan 6th people were just tourists who stopped by to ask me for directions to the Capitol building, they wanted to take selfies for the kids and pick up souvenirs to take home,,, you know, things like coffee cups, postcards, Nancy Pelosi's head on a stick, Mike Pence's shoes, if they fell off while he twitched at the end of the rope...that's no reason to disqualify me..."

Trump dials up the Hitler hate speech at his rallies, continuing with his "Immigrants poison the blood of our country" rant.......when reminded that his late ex-wife Ivanka and current wife Melania came from foreign countries, Trump explained,...."....well Ivanka, she's buried on my golf course so  she's finally doing something useful for the country by fertilizing that beautiful green turf.  As for Melenoma or whatever her name is, she was declared a U.S. Citizen and a credit to our great country on the basis of that smokin' hot body of hers......which by the way, I used to have access to at least one or two times...."

G.O.P. congress takes its long holiday break, establishing a new record as the most do-nothing Congress in U.S. history....(but will continue on with their evidence-free impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden...).......prompting one Republican to snap back, "Totally fake news about us not voting on anything.....we voted 17 times to make whats-his-name Speaker Of The House.....and we have a bombshell whistleblowing witness for Biden's impeachment......if we can only find out where he went..... and don't forget Marjorie Taylor Greene's pending legislation to deploy space shuttles to take out those Jewish Space Lasers...remember that line from Star Wars....the farce is with us....or something like that..."

Rudy Giuliani ordered to pay 148 million dollars to the two Georgia election workers he defamed....then declares bankruptcy.......reportedly ex-President Trump expressed difficulty in finding the right sympathy card to send to Rudy.....".....I had those idiot sons of mine stop at every damn Hallmark store in Florida to find the right card......but we finally discovered an appropriate was the only card left in the category "For Friend Who Flushed Himself Down The Toilet For You"...."

Nikki Haley, the daughter of immigrants from India, can only bring herself to say Trump's Hitler 'blood poisoning' speeches about immigrants are...."not helpful"......explained Haley, "Donald Trump personally assured me that when he's elected, my mom and dad will have a special VIP suite at one of the new immigrant concentration camps, complete with running water, a toilet and at least one meal every three days or so....believe me, it's way more than those South of the border kids are gonna get...."

Democrats ask for Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from the upcoming ruling on Trump's immunity from outraged Thomas was quoted as saying, "How dare they imply I can't be fair and impartial when ruling on Donald Trump.....but they're gonna have to make it worthy my while......I'm thinkin' matching BMW's for me and Ginni, maybe a week or so in the Maldives, and a couple of tickets to that "Color Purple" musical.....including a complimentary bucket of butter popcorn...better sill,.just make the check out to 'cash'....

Republicans continue to tread lightly when asked about Donald Trump's incendiary, fascist-like rally speeches, terrified of angering his hardcore base of Trumpanzees.... said one anonymous GOP representative, "He really little more measured in his discourse....but you didn't hear that from me....and I was never here talking to you......and uh....God Bless Donald Trump and the USA.....but don't quote me..."

And to all BQ visitors.....thank you so much for stopping in day after day......wishing all of you and your families the happiest, healthiest and safest of holiday weekends!  Back with you for more reviews and commentary after Christmas.....see you Tuesday!

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