Friday, December 8, 2023


Trump responds to Sean Hannity's helpful prompting to assure people he won't be a dictator by saying he'll be a dictator...'from day one".......and declares all children 10 and older will be ordered to join the para-military Trump Youth, and immediately train to march in parades honoring Trump as well as informing on their parents for harboring any anti-Trump thoughts......

Ukraine desperately hurting for U.S.aid while GOP busies itself planning to impeach Moscow, Vladimir Putin prepares multiple Order Of Lenin awards for dozens of Republican congressmen........

Tommy Tuberville finally forced under pressure to relinquish his traitorous hold on military promotions....legislation is immediately drafted to require all members of the Senate to have I.Q,s at lease 3 points higher than than a hedgehog......

Speaker Of The House Johnson plans to blur the faces of Jan 6th rioters before releasing all of that day's footage......and additionally will offer all rioters not currently in jail or under indictment coupons worth 20% off each My Pillow from Mike Lindell.......

GOP Congress presses on with their plan to impeach Joe Biden without a single shred of tangible evidence.......while stalling on aid packages to Ukraine and Israel.  Explains Sen. Comer...."as we speak, our investigators found at lease 25 imaginary witnesses whom we're sure will materialize if  all the boys and girls in our country will just clap three times and say, I DO believe, I DO believe!     

Kevin McCarthy announces he's quitting Congress, saddening and one......and becomes the very first U.S. congressman to receive letters from both Republicans and Democrats that read, "Don't let the back door bump your ass on the way out...."

Trump's potential 2024 cabinet said to include resident immigration  Gestapo Stephen Miller and congressional loony-toon Marjorie Taylor a recent rally, Trump promises the crowd....."a cabinet that'll make the Barnum And Bailey Clown Car, look like......a smaller Clown Car."

Taylor Swift's selection as Time Magazine's Person Of The Year outrages and confounds rabid Trumpanzees and tinfoil hat wearing MAGA conspiracy loons......Trump Nosferatu Stephen Miller warns that Trump's 2024 administration will immediately arrest all Swift fangirls and transport them to special re-education camps....... once there, they'll be forced to watch Fox News around the clock and not to be released until they sign an oath that they're ..."never ever getting back together" with Swift. 

All BQ visitors, please enjoy a madness-free weekend.....see you all Monday!

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