Friday, December 1, 2023



Pathological liar George Santos is finally expelled from Congress......immediately causing the organization APPLE (Association of Phonies, Perjurers and Lying Equivocators) to file a discrimination suit against all members of Congress who voted to expel. Claimed APPLE's Chairman Emeritus Donald Trump, "if they can do it to George, they can do it every Christian God-fearing liar in America.  Santos blew a raspberry at the the chamber as he left, claiming, "Screw you all, I've just discovered I'm related to the British Royal family and currently am 25th in line for the crown....."

Henry Kissinger dead at age 100.....leaving behind a legacy of millions of slaughtered Vietnamese, Cambodians and American soldiers killed during the Vietnam War......and a Nobel Peace Prize. Which reportedly caused Vladimir Putin to grumble, "Well then why can't I get one of those?"

Trump rages against MSNBC for saying mean things about him and wants the government to "come down hard" on them for abusing free airwaves.....and is heart to have muttered privately, "Now take that Arabian towelhead there's a guy who knows how to deal with journalists, chopping 'em up like hamburger meat......something worth taking into consideration for my next forever term of office.....

Liz Cheney's new book mentions Republicans who referred to Trump as 'Orange Jesus'....but to give them credit, Cheney claimed more than few Republicans drew the line when Trump asked them to sacrifice their first born by throwing them into a fire pit at a Mar-A-Lago cocktail bar. 

Elon Musk, after posting anti semitic messages, tells advertisers who left X to "Go f*** yourselves".......and furthermore, contemplates the social media outlet once called Twitter to undergo yet another name change. Millions chime in, recommending "Shitter", with a overflowing toilet replacing a bird as the symbol......

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