Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 Die Hard (1988)    Naturally, we covered this legendary action film years ago, but given the never ending debate about its suitability as a holiday move, we felt the need to weigh in......

              A no brainer issue. Is "Die Hard" Christmas-y? Yippy Ki Yay!

               There's a Christmas tree. A Christmas party.  Christmas lights.  During the end credits, 1950's crooner Vaughn Monroe warbles "Let it snow". 

               True enough, there's also non stop automatic weapons fire, brutal violent deaths, spectacular fiery explosions and displays of monumental property damage.  But in our current political discourse, all those things could also easily occur at any family get-together at Christmas......

               When BQ used to stop in to the video stores for whom I'd purchased movies, I began to notice "Die Hard" prominently displayed along side "It's A Wonderful Life", "White Christmas" and "A Christmas Carol". 

               I merely smiled and shrugged, knowing that most video store clerks were dedicated movie buffs with a streak of impish perversity.  That's why I used to applaud their placing of "Gorgo" with Mother's Day movies....(and why not? It's among the greatest tributes to mother love, equaled only by "Mommie Dearest" and "The Bad Seed")

               But back to 'Die Hard" as a Christmas staple.......

               Let's face it, after marathon shopping trips and a steady TV diet of Christmas specials, Christmas commercials, Christmas songs, Christmas romance movies.......aren't we all ready to sit back and wallow in 2 hours of death and destruction on a catastrophic scale?

               End of debate. 'Die Hard' will live forever as a Holiday favorite.......we wouldn't dream of missing a viewing every year around this time.......along with our other most beloved Christmas film, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"  (while also features a Christmas tree, gifts, ornaments and a catchy holiday song)

              By all means enjoy "It's A Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Story"......but for true Holiday fun, you can't beat Bruce Willis dropping a dead terrorist off a skyscraper to crash into a police car.....

.             ....and screaming in triumph, "Welcome to the party, pal!"

            Season's Screenings to one and all!

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