Wednesday, March 2, 2022



  Once again, we've moved heaven and earth to bring our visitors the hottest news scoops on the planet......this transcript of a text chat between BFFs Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin came to us courtesy of "Hacky-Sak", the 600 pound master hacker living in his parents' basement at an undisclosed location.....

                In the interests of a free and fair press, we present it in unedited form.....

DT:  Vlad!  Vlad, you loveable little KGB weasel , how the hell are ya?

VP:   Useful idiot! Long time no talk!  How they hanging down at the summer palace?  Still putting the orange salami to Melenoma or did she lock you out again?

DT:  Never mind the wife......I knew once I took her out of the box, I couldn't re-sell her on E-Bay. I just called to congratulate you on the invasion!  What a genius move!  

VP:  You like, huh? 

DT:  Vladdy, you da man!  Can't get enough of that footage of your army blowin' the shit out of apartments full of Ukranians!   What style....what savvy!  I wanted to do the same thing in California and New York, but those Pentagon pussies wouldn't go for it. 

VP:  Hey, by the way, say hello to Tucker Carlson and all your GOP minions. Really appreciate their support.  You're my kind of traitors!

DT:  No probemo!  I love how you shut down all the radio and TV in Russia that went against you!  You've no idea how many times I wanted to do that to the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSBNC and Saturday Night Live!

VP: I was gonna make half of them disappear and hit the rest with poison darts.....but I've got a war on, you know? So busy.   Don't worry, my chubby wubby moron, you'll get a chance to do all that if you get back in 2024.

DT:  Vladdy, you rat-faced demon, you know you're makin' it hard for me, right?   All this week....the whole world knows what prick you are and what a frickin traitor I am to the U.S.  Everybody's startin' to love democracy again.  That's gonna make re-election tough, even with all those new laws the Red state numbnuts passed to stop people voting!

VP:  So sorry, my idiot, but I couldn't help myself.  I needed a big win and those stupid little Olympic ice skaters keep falling on their ass no matter how many drugs we pump into them......

DT:  Don't worry, Vladski, you're still my hero always.  Hugs and kisses, baby!

VP:  Smoochies right back at you!   Talk soon, I promise!

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