Wednesday, March 2, 2022


No Exit (2022) ,,,,,serves up a fast, bloody 95 minutes of twists 'n carnage among five travelers stranded at a remote tourist  rest stop in the midst of a raging snowstorm. 

            This brutal little direct-to-Hulu thriller was adapted from the Taylor Adams book that more than fulfilled its promise to keep us up all night flipping through the pages til the the end....(see our post of 2/20/19).

              The film adaptation benefits greatly by a full engaged cast comprised of three intense young actors, Havana Rose Liu, Danny Ramirez, David Rhysdahl and two familiar seasoned veterans, Dennis Haysbert and Dale Dickey. 

              Liu keeps you worried for her as she plays Darby, a young recovering drug addict who busted out of rehab to race to her grievously ill mother's bedside in Salt Lake City.  Detoured by the storm, she finds herself stuck at the visitor's center with creepy guy Lars (Rysdahl), nice guy Ash (Ramirez) and married retirees Ed, an ex-marine (Haysbert) and Sandi an ex-nurse  (Dickey).

               A long lonely, cold night seems in store for this disparate group......until Liu discovers that a van belonging to one of them holds a kidnapped child.....a child with a life threatening medical condition. 

                But which one of the travelers is the kidnapper?  And who can Liu depend on to help her rescue the kid?  Or trust?

                 And same as when we reviewed the book, we've reached the point where we dare not say one more thing about what happens next........other than, as you might expect, Darby spends a long harrowing night of suspense, big reveals and twists and an ever escalating level of brutal violence.  (Anyone squeamish about such things should either stay clear or prepare to hide your eyes a few times.)

                  Nothing extraordinary to report here, but if you're in the mood for a good old fashioned Saturday Night popcorn munchin', soda slurpin' thriller-diller, this one'll do ya nicely. 3 stars (***).

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