Tuesday, March 29, 2022


 Malignant (2021)   Let's not dilly-dally here....we 'effin' loved this off-the-rails, out-of-its-mind splatterfest from horror maestro James Wan ("Insidious", "The Conjuring", "Saw"...)

             We can't help but adore a horror film that jumps out of the gate into crazytown and keeps it up for almost 2 hours.....with the added bonus of a plot twist that renders the entire piece even more sick, disgusting and deranged than you could possibly imagine. 

              The twist affords the movie to pour on the gore equal to the levels of  blood that came rushing out of that hotel elevator in "The Shining".

               We've read all the stuff about the movie paying tribute to multiple classic horror tropes, including the Italian giallos......but honestly, we didn't detect much of a Giallo vibe here......

                What's truly on display is more of a grand homage to the 'corruption-of-the-body' horror pioneered by David Croneneberg.......and director Wan takes the Cronenberg-ian warping of the flesh to all new stratospheric heights. 

                 By now, you must have figured out that 'Malignant' is aimed squarely at only the most dedicated hardcore horror aficionadas......anyone who's only a casual tourist through mainstream horror films shouldn't go anywhere near this, unless you're prepared to fasten your seat belt and keep your tray table in an upright position......

                Now comes the hard part of this review.....how do we even describe this movie without spoiling its bonkers plot?   

                  Fine.....we'll take up the challenge.

                 Madison (Annabelle Wallis), is an unhappy young wife given to multiple miscarriages and physically abused by her piece-of-shit husband,......that is, until a horrific home invasion attacker rips and bends the miserable bastard's body into a variety of twisted directions.

               More similar ghastly murders occur,  each of them witnessed by a terrified Madison  as an out-of-body experience that places her in the middle of every gruesome, nauseating death.  And yes, the people dying connect to a long defunct hospital that attempted to contain and control a murderous youngster named 'Gabriel'.  (From a flashback, we already know this loon possesses inhuman strength and telekinetic powers....)

                  Not a word more about the story will we speak of.....

                  You can guess all you like about what you think might be going on, but chances are, you'll still end up with your jaw on the floor when you see what this movie has in store for you during its final third. 

                   "Malignant" did the job for us....more than fulfilled its promise to become an a new modern horror film classic. Heartfelt and hideous all at the same time, BQ's declaring this a horror film worthy of our 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS  rating.  If you've got the nerve, don't miss checking it out. 

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