Friday, March 11, 2022



Trump reportedly falls into a deep depression after Putin knocks him down to #2 on "Russia's Most Useful Idiots" list.......Mar-A-Logo insiders also confided that the former President wept openly when he also realized Putin replaced him as the most vile, evil, despicable human on planet Earth....

                Vladimir Putin announces his new choice for "Russia's Most Useful Idiot" - Tucker Carlson.....Carlson, overwhelmed with humility at such an accolade,, tweeted, "It's my great privilege and honor to bring imbecilic Russian propaganda to my loyal Fox News audience.....and do all in my power to make them believe it. bad!"   Carlson immediately received a complimentary gift basket from Putin, including a boxed set of Steven Seagal movies and a souvenir jar containing a leftover dead fetus from the bombing of the Ukrainian maternity hospital...... 

                  Putin sends out secret assassins to shoot poison darts at pregnant Ukrainian women.....explained the Russian dictator, "It's much more efficient to conduct surgical strikes on those disgusting whales then the expense of a bombing mission....."

                 After McDonald's pulls out of Russia, Donald Trump announces MAGA charitable rally to airlift 3 million Bic Macs and Quarter Pounders to the Kremlin.......performing free of charge, Scott Baio. and Mike Lindell promises free My Pillows stuffed with Chicken Nuggets for all attendees....


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