Friday, March 4, 2022


        With so much madness engulfing the world this week, caused by Trump's BFF and professional KGB scumbag Putin, where do we even begin.....

Lindsay Graham calls for Putin's assassination.......Really, Lindsay?  You spend four years with your head up Trump's ass while Trump kept his own head up Putin's ass.  And NOW you're suddenly Captain America?   When did you have that emergency operation for a complete spine transplant?

The January 6th committee announces Trump may well have conspired to overthrow the which everyone with more than three functioning brain cells responded....."Duh....ya think?"

Putin aims rockets at Ukraine apartment which Donald Trump commented, "What a genius move!  Those deadbeats probably owed a shitload of back rent anyway....."

International Cat Federation bans Russian cats from competitions.....and mails 5,000 bags of used litter to Putin's office......

Former Attorney General Bill Barr publishes tell-all expose of what it was like serving an autocratic idiot......and for the first time reveals his own role model as a child was the Cowardly Lion from 'Wizard Of Oz'.....

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