Tuesday, March 24, 2020


The Lion King (2019)    We could barely hear any sound in this movie.......

            It was drowned out by the droning clicks of Disney accountants, pounding away on their calculators.......

              Up till this atrocity appeared, Disney was always careful to avoid having their soulless remake-reinventions of their animated classics revealed as blatant, naked cash grabs......

               ........which of course they were. Disney fooled no one in that regard.

            But with this film, the Disney corporate lizards didn't give a damn that a CGI 'Lion King' would look intentionally designed to pick the pockets of  the poor suckers who'd dutifully shlep their kids to see it.

             The only thing that staggers the imagination about this film is the overwhelming greed behind its conception.......

              Similar to director Gus Van Sant's woeful, foolish attempt to make a carbon copy of Hitchcock's "Pyscho", Disney's laborious effort to computer copy 'The Lion King' couldn't  even reach the low bar it already set for itself......

               In place of the bright, brilliant characterizations of the original film's animators, the usual vast army of CGI minions was deployed to create photo realistic animals......

              And even with all this massive technology assembled, the new cast resembles a collection of dead-eyed stuffed animals come to life......

               So the overall effect is like watching a movie whose cast came from the prize shelf of the water balloon game at the State Fair carnival midway.......

                It's no use continuing this post any further........wrong-headed and rotten to its very core, this movie can only have one rating.....(and we don't give these out lightly or often...)

                 AFH......a bona fide, honest-to-blog ABOMINATION FROM HELL........which is where all copies of this thing belong........


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