Thursday, March 26, 2020


10 Things We Should Do Before We Break Up (2020)  We wouldn't dream of pounding on this pathetic little wisp of an independent film...........

              It would be like kicking a whining puppy......

              We don't begrudge indie filmmakers for wanting to upend, warp and tear apart the traditional  Hollywood rom-com......more power to 'em......

             But more often than not, their attempts end up like this one.......half-baked, padded with tropes from better romances than the one they're making.......and maddeningly unfinished.

              Mercifully, it runs only 75 minutes......and yet it can barely find enough content to fill up the time alloted......

             Nothing much to talk about......harried single mom (Christina Ricci) throws caution to the wind and does a meet-cute with an arrested development man-child. (Hamish Linklater).
              In an even more reckless move, these two decide to try a relationship after Ricci ends up pregnant from their drunken first date........which predictably plunges them into all the ups and downs that correspond to Linklater's immature mood swings.....

               All this angst only leads to an abrupt non-ending that looks like the filmmakers must have run out of whatever cash was left in their already meager budget......

               BQ adores Christina Ricci, we'd watch her in anything.......and she's the one and only reason we'll scrape 1 & 1/2 stars for  something as negligible as this film........watchable only for the
hardcore Ricci-ites among us.....

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