Monday, March 30, 2020


"O.B.I.T." (THE OUTER LIMITS, EPISODE #7 ) (1963)    What better way to save America (and ourselves) than to stay home and indulge in an orgy of binge-watching...........(hey, we're only following the health professionals' orders.....)

           So in our unceasing effort to not spread deadly infection, we've immersed ourselves in one of our all-time favorite sci-fi/fantasy TV series......The Outer Limits.

            You're welcome, America........

             This episode is so far ahead of its time, it's beyond frightening........

              One-eyed, hairy-handed aliens infiltrate our military bases and communications centers.........installing O.B.I.T. (Outer Band Individuated Teletracer)...... machines capable of spying on anybody, at any time, anywhere in the world.......during their most private moments, sharing their most private thoughts.......

               Anyone using OBIT, becomes hopelessly addicted to it, watching their friends,  work associates and worldwide total strangers blurt out things they'd never dream of revealing in public.......

              Yes, boys and's Jurassic-Era FACEBOOK!!! Social Media to the max, designed by those clever aliens to destroy humankind by generating enough blind hatred to make us all kill each other......

               Science fiction you say?  Think so?  Take a look at the comments section on Facebook posts.......

               This new master plan is a brilliant technological improvement over the Alien plan in Rod Serling's "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" 'Twilight Zone' episode.......those invaders spread chaos and disaster by shutting our power off........."The Outer Limits" bunch, sly devils all, know they can finish us off even quicker by preying upon our overwhelming need to stick our nose in everyone else's business.......for nothing more than pure entertainment value......

               Such an insidious thing could never happen today.......could it? (Heh, heh, heh, heh....)

               The primary alien-in-human-form is played to creepy perfection by renowned actor (and acting coach) Jeff Corey........(you know at once what he's up to, since he still sports the telltale hairy hands and wears goggle-sized, circular horn rim glasses to accentuate his other-worldliness.)

                 Staged and photographed like a claustrophobic mini-noir, , "O.B.I.T" s only one of many
4 star (****) gems that make up this series.  (We promise to cover more of 'em as the quarantine hell drags on....)

                 By the way.......has anyone checked the back of Mark Zuckerberg's hands lately?



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