Wednesday, February 26, 2020


The Good Killer by Harry Dolan (2020)    Nothing like a swift, suspenseful cross-country chase to cozy up to on a cold winter night.......

                And this one's a beaut........nothing splashy or extra spectacular or backloaded with improbable WTF twists........just good solid action with some satisfying payoffs......

                You've seen this plot before in multiple books and films.......young attractive couple go on the run from a plethora of bad guys.........and you can't wait to see how they'll manage to turn the tables on all their pursuers/tormentors.......

                 Sean and Molly live quietly in their own DIY protection program........Two separate villains are on the hunt for them.......a thug who holds Sean responsible for the death of the thug's beloved brother (long, long'll understand it in the book)......and a shady, cultured art dealer from whom the couple stole some priceless artifacts as revenge for his assault on Molly.....

                 Our fugitive couple stay effectively well hidden from these creeps until Sean goes Mall shopping........and,as fate would have it, ends up taking down an insane shooter who's in mid-rampage killing innocent victims.........instantly making Sean and Molly nationwide celebrities as they're photographed while forced to go on the run again, their anonymous identities blown.

                 Spotting their prey on CNN Breaking News, Vengeance-fueled Thug and assorted violent minions resume the hunt while Shady Art Guy sends out his own team of goons to capture our dauntless duo......the chase is on, bouncing from Texas to Montana to Nashville, among other spots......

                 Suspense aplenty, vast quantities of breathless action and finale showdown that'll have you flipping the pages at warp speed.

                 Need we say more?  Thriller lovers, hunt it down ASAP. It's a 4 star ride (****) for sure.

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