Monday, February 10, 2020


              What'd we like at the Oscars?  What'd we hate?

               In no order whatsoever.........

              Janelle Monae's opening one's on the fence about either think it was a showstopping triumph or exhausting, weird and desperate.........BQ goes with the latter.

               Steve Martin and Chris Rock......more or less the unofficial hosts, since they pretty much did what most Oscar hosts usually off a few solid jokes that land well, then disappear for the rest of night......

               Maya Rudolph and Kristen Wiig......we're totally with Billie Eilish in watching this. Two preening, self-satisfied 'comedians' who think they're the funniest, coolest kids in the Middle School cafeteria.........and if we forget to mention this in any other BQ post, we think Wiig's monumentally unfunny......

                James Corden and Rebel Wilson.......another bit that split the blogoshphere, judged either cringeworthy or riotously funny......BQ goes with the latter. 'Cats' had it comin'.....and who better to hammer the last nails in its fake furry coffin than two of its own cast members.......

                No love for "The Irishman".......that includes us. Bloated, overstuffed, re-heated Scorsese......too long, too tiresome, repetitive in the extreme.........and utterly undone by the 'Uncanny Valley' de-aging of its hell with it.....

                Not much love for "1917" who the hell cares anyway. It was nothing more than an elaborate special effects stunt masquerading as a movie. Wait'll it hits the $3.74 Wal-Mart bargain bin......

                 Randy Newman.......was this guy even awake while he played his nominated song?  Then again, listening to this listless, noodling tune, we wouldn't have blamed him if he started to snore in the middle of it........

                 Eminem's surprise part of this: the audience reaction, ranging from unbridled delight to 'What the f***'.........

                  Brad Pitt.......if he's really writing his own acceptance speeches then he ought to host next year's show.........nice zinger directed at the Senate jellyfish who slithered in slavery to Trump.

                  "Parasite" takes both Best International and Best Picture.......We don't know if it makes sense to let 'Parasite' double-dip into both categories.......but that doesn't stop us from lovin' it all the same. Most deserving win of the night.......provocative, disturbing, startling in its crazy twists and turns........the very definition of fearless filmmaking without a's a 5 star (*****) BQ
.....FIND OF FINDS......

                     Joaquin Phoenix....... his acceptance speeches never disappoint........somewhere in the verbiage, we think he told us to stop being nasty to one another.....and stop trying to ruin people's career's cause they sent out a stupid tweet when they were idiot teenagers.  Blather on, Joaquin.....we love ya for it.

                     Rene Zelwegger......oh shut up. And sign up for a support group that'll give you a reward chip if you stay away from plastic surgeons for the rest of the year.......

                    The 'Death Parade'.........the usual glaring omissions.......a list loaded up with obscure Industry underlings,, but missing Luke Perry, Cameron Boyce and Robert Conrad........maybe Oscar fans can start a Kickstarter fund designed to pay the Academy board to include everyone next year.....

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