Friday, February 21, 2020


Gone With The Wind (1939)    Since there's no telling when BQ would've gotten around to this, we thought we'd turn over the blog to a Special Guest Reviewer.........a man whose appreciation of this touchstone of classic cinema knows no bounds.......

                   Who better to review "Gone With The Wind" than the man who promised to Make America Great Again......and longed for the Hollywood of yesteryear.......when co-star (and eventual Academy Award winner) Hattie McDaniel wasn't invited to the Atlanta premiere.....

                    So let's turn over to the review to Baby Orange himself.........

                    "Now here's a real movie.......nothing like that Korean horseshit "Parasite".....lousy South Koreans.....maybe I can talk my little boytoy Kim into nukin' 'em.......

                      'Gone With The Wind', what a awesome flick.......a movie where all the darkies don't get uppity and stay in their place.......(reminds me of all the trouble me and my and my dad got into for keepin' those folks out of our apartment, those Civil War Southeners, they knew how keep the jigaboos in line........and out of the bathrooms too.....

                      And oh that mansion! Tara!  Doesn't it look like one of my resorts?   What a spot for a golf course.......if I had a place that size, I coulda blanked some serious coin, chargin' the upkeep to the government......

                       You gotta love that scene where they make all the Southern Belles take a nap all together.......damn, wasn't that an awesome way to calm down nasty women?  Make 'em all take a nap......too bad, I still can't talk Melania into it.......

                     And those Civil War heroes!  Weren't they the best traitors EVER? They looked damn spiffy in those uniforms......well, at least until they got the shit kicked out of 'em......

                      You can see from that movie that maybe slavery wasn't such a bad idea after all........they all looked pretty well fed and happy if you ask me.......

                       What a shame those Southern boys had to lose.........but hey, with me in charge, who knows?  Maybe we can get that ole South to rise again........and make American white again.......

                        We need to bring back movies like I'm givin' it 4 Burning Crosses (****)

                        Hey, ya know what's another great movie? Sunset Boulevard!  It's all about a celebrity with delusions of I can relate......

(At this point, we reminded Baby Orange that "Sunset Boulevard" was directed by Billy Wilder, a German-Jewish immigrant who fled to America to avoid the lethal wrath of Adlolf Hitler.)

                        Really? An immigrant?  What'd he leave Germany for, anyway?  Maybe he shoulda stayed, give the Nazis a chance........some of them are good people, believe me......

(We've no further comment on this.....We think our Guest Reviewer said it all........)


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