Wednesday, February 5, 2020


             A veritable tsunami of madness........but we'll try to keep up.....

             Baby Orange's State-Of-The-Reality-Show address.......too bad Hitleer's documentarian Leni Riefenstahl is no longer alive to film it.....she could have called it 'Triumph Of The Swill'

              Baby Orange bestows the Medal Of Freedom on.......Rush Limbaugh?  And why not......the vile, blowhard, lying radio gasbag paved the way for Baby Orange......and what a perfect moment -  Limbaugh, the master of cruelty, lies and insults having a medal affixed to him by the Baroness Of 'Be Best' herself,  Melania.

                Ah, but there's a silver lining to this story.......Rush can take pride in knowing that when his Stage 4 cancer finally packs him off for his well deserved trip to Hell, he'll be the only Medal Of Freedom winner there.......

                 Baby Orange claims he'll guarantee health care for pre-existing conditions....once again betting on the fact that his Trumpanzees are too stupid to realize he's been doing everything he possibly can to eliminate health coverage for people with such's possible that Trumpanzees might finally realize this when they've sold their house and car to pay for their chemotherapy bills......or maybe not until they've taken their last pain-wracked breath.........Make America Dead Again......

                 Nancy Pelosi tears up Baby Orange's speech..........yeah, no question it's a crude, rude way to out-meme Baby Orange........but tragically, it's a symbol of where we are, what we've become, what depths Baby Orange has dragged everyone down to.........the damage he's inflicted on the nation, democracy and civilization is deep......and may take decades of healing.  Overall.....a cause for sadness.......

                 Lindsay Graham and Rand Paul still want the whistleblower's head on a pike....for daring to reveal the truth, the Whistleblower's earned the wrath of the Southern Fried Jellyfish and Paul, who's the human equivalent of a dumb little yapping dog who chases after cars, nipping at the tires.......

                 Minions posing as GOP Senators about to exonerate Baby Orange....."Yes, we understand that he did a kind of naughty thing.......but it's certainly not impeachable and he promises he'll never, never do it again......honest. Come on now,  all he did was extort a foreign country to cheat his way back into the White House......that's not nearly as bad as a blow job....."

                  And while we're on the subject of Democrats.......

                   The Iowa App-tastrophe......if nothing else, it's making everyone, at long last, ask , "Why is this f***ing state with its corn-fed, whitebread population and their idiotic, convoluted caucuses even important?"  How about Presidential election, leave Iowans the hell alone to vote on what's really important out there.....who wins "Miss State Fair Funnel Cake" of 2024

                    And as the last of Iowa caucus results roll in......a BQ message to all those rabid supporters of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders........

                     Dear Social Justice Snowflakes and assorted 'Bernie Bros'  Here's how it's gonna play out if either one of your favorite Fruit Loops manages to secure the Democratic nomination......

                      Not only are you never, ever going to get free college're going to get four more years of Donald Trump after he mops the floor with your beloved candidate.......and declares himself President For Life.

                      So while you're screaming and clapping your lungs out for Elizabeth and Bernie.....start imagining what an eternity of Baby Orange will look like........for both you and the country. Have a nice day in your safe space........

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