Saturday, February 1, 2020


               For close to 244 years, it was fun while it lasted.......
               Imperfect, flawed, riddled with ups 'n downs.......but it endured for almost 2 and 1/2 centuries.......

                Well, we suppose nothing lasts forever.......sooner or later, everything's gotta go.....

                So BQ bids a fond, fond the shining light of the world......the light that warmed the hopes and dreams of millions upon and around the world....

                Farewell, American democracy. Farewell to the United States Of America the way it was envisioned by its founders.......

                It was murdered by a slug named Mitch McConnell ......and following along in the perpetual trail of slime he leaves behind him was the sorry collection of so called 'senators'.......a pathetic group of whipped whining dogs, jellyfish and other assorted spineless creatures...........

                Together, they conspired to end Democracy and turn the United States into a monarchy......ruled with absolute power by King Baby Orange The First.......

                ..........a king answerable to no one and nothing but his own psychotic whims......that includes the courts, congress, the people and the rule of law.......

                 The worms of the GOP now bow down to  King Baby they celebrate the death of the country born in 1776.

                Sinclair Lewis wrongly titled his book "It Can't Happen Here"

                It just did.

                Can America be saved? Brought back from the dead? Rescued from the kind of tyrant that its founding fathers fought so hard against?

                The first Tuesday in November tells the tale . Then we'll all find out if America survives.......or if it's lost forever.

                 Stay tuned.


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