Friday, December 20, 2019


Noel Street by Richard Paul Evans (2019)    Yeah, we know it's a corny, obvious move to pick this book to review at the height of the holiday rush.........

                 And we went out of our way to pick the most heart-on-its-sleeve, mushy-mushy Christmas novel we could find........why?

                  Cause it's what we all desperately need right now..........

                   The ruinous, toxic reign of Donald Trump has infected every single corner of society.......poisoning the entire country with a level of acrimony, division and hatred not seen since the darkest days of the Vietnam war..........

                    Which probably explains why we embraced the overwhelming sentimentality and heart-tugging pathos on display in "Noel Street"......

                    In previous posts of a few years back, we had our fun  gently mocking Evans' 'Mistletoe' series of books....(some of which made their way into Hallmark movie adaptations.....)

                     But now, in this darkest age of Emperor Trump, we're more than ready to hug a book that celebrates decency, kindness, humility, tolerance, respect and other words, all the bedrock values that Trump has systematically drained out of the culture of America......(and the world as well).....

                     We also couldn't help noticing how the book deftly uses its 1975 time frame to touch upon controversial issues still relevant today.........blatant racism and PTSD-afflicted veterans......(especially the veteran depicted in this particular book, since he's a prisoner-of-war survivor, that group of brave men so belittled and denigrated by the worthless Trump at the start of his presidential campaign.....)

                   After lifetimes of heartbreak, torment and sacrifice, Evans does gift his two struggling lead characters with much good fortune, lasting love and tear-inducing closure for family wounds.......(we don't consider this a spoiler.......come on, it's a Christmas book.......)

                    Maudlin? Sure. Manipulative of you emotions?  Absolutely. Unbelievable?   Hey, this is the time of year when everyone believes........

                    Speaking of unbelievable.........a few hours after finishing this book, we came across the news about the editor of the Evangelical newspaper finally laying out the disgrace and hypocrisy of Christians supporting Trump, a man of no morality whatsoever.......

                     Coincidence?   A Christmas miracle?

                   Well,right now,, we're not in the mood to deny's that time of year, after all. .

                   If viewing and reading the news sends you into a spiral of depression, give yourself a warm hug with this book......4 stars (*****).......and Season's Greetings from BQ......


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