Friday, December 6, 2019


                Curious.......we watch a fair amount of TV, but never laid eyes on this Peloton exercise bike ad until it became.....well, a thing.......

                We imagined the headline of this post is what the Woke crowd thought the husband really said to his wife while she pumped away on her spiffy new Peloton.......(as if in a deleted scene from a 30 second commercial.....)

                Internet snowflake trollers turned purple over the which an already skinny young wife, desperately pedals herself crazy on her new stationary bike.......a Christmas gift from her mostly offscreen husband, whose approval she seeks by sweating like a pig from punishing bouts on the Peloton.......

                  Presumably, the hubby wants her to look like a new horror creature, Bride Of Slender Man......

                    The wokesters weren't havin' any of this,  accusing the ad of promoting sexism.......and the 'husband' of abusive, controlling behavior..........(after all, even in '50 Shades Of Gray', Christian never forced Anastasia to get on a bike to lose weight.....)

                   And the Cancel Culture-Vultures sent Peloton stock tumbling..........working from their deep belief that everyone should pop out of the womb as saintly and angelic as Mother Teresa, prepared to lead a blameless life, from birth onward.........(those who don't, must suffer the destruction of their livelihoods and careers FOREVER!!!!!!)

                     We'll give the wokesters this much.......the wifey, with her eyebrows always cautiously upraised, does appear to arrive fresh from hubby's disciplinary spanking........and who decreed she has to get up at 6 in the morning to hit the bike anyway? 

                    But seriously, anyone who pays more than 5 seconds of attention to this NEEDS TO GET A ****ING LIFE!!!!   (Or maybe close their laptops, visit the library and pick up some good books to read.......or clean the grounds out of their coffeemakers.....ya know, something productive....)

                    Ah, that reminds us, we've got a great book to tell you about........see y'all tomorrow.


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