Wednesday, December 4, 2019

'ROBIN HOOD'.........HARDLY GOOD......

Robin Hood (2018)    We promise you won't hear BQ raging and ranting about this like we did with yesterday's Crime Against Humanity, (aka "Brightburn")......

                 Who could possibly get mad at a movie this silly and unintentionally's harmless,stupid multiplex, dead-from-the-neck-up nonsense.........apparently modeled in technique, production design and costumes from director Guy Ritchie's equally ludicrous 2017 "King Arthur"..........

                    Way to go, guys......picking the worst movie you could possibly think of to emulate.....

                  Just like "King Arthur", "Robin Hood" might as well be taking place in outer space.....Merry Olde England, courtesy of CGI, now resembles some kind of 19th century steampunk industrial slum......

                    Robin and the gang dress up in stuff bought at the neighborhood shopping mall........the Sheriff of Nottingham is all dolled up in a red-carpet-ready designer leather get the idea, right?  We're talkin' hip Robin Hood here.

                     When Robin's drafted for a Crusades Tour Of Duty in the Holy Land, he and his fellow grunts engage in a very 21st century Iraqi-type skirmish with the Muslim locals.........the CGI arrows fly and land like automatic weapons fire, in case you didn't get the point.........

                     Once back at home, Robin finds the Sheriff holding Trumpian rallies to stir up immigrant hatred.........and cutting various nefarious back deals with soulless clergy.......ripped from current events, you might say.......

                     Dumb and 'woke' with a vengeance, all this nonsense might have gone down easier if they at least made an effort to find a charismatic Robin Hood. But no.....they settled for Taron Egerton, an actor you erase out of your mind ten seconds after watching him.....this guy brings nothing to the party........

                      And neither does the villain, played by the 'go to' guy for such roles, Ben Mendelsohn.........(and why he's the go-to guy for villainy is beyond us.......we couldn't remember what he looked or sounded like from one scene to the next......except for that anachronistic leather jacket......

                       Jamie Foxx certainly exerts himself as Robin's Muslim mentor and robbin'-the-rich cohort, but he still comes off like a pale, watered down version of Morgan Freelman's character in "Robin Hood-Prince Of Thieves'.......

                       The pitched arrow-battle play out like the usual video-game garbage that passes for big-budget action these you can keep munching away at the popcorn without having to manipulate controller units to move around the combatants.......the movie will conveiently do that for you.....

                      Nothing more to say.......other than it might hold a 12 year old's attention for a while......everyone else can either sleep it off or check their e-mails.....1 star (*).......and that's only for the sheer delusions of grandeur from the filmmakers for setting up sequel in the final minutes.........

                       BQ memo to Leonardo DiCaprio and the rest of his fellow 'Robin Hood' producers hoping for a sequel.......Don't hold your breath waiting for a studio greenlight, guys........  

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