Thursday, December 12, 2019


                    Though climate denial is but a small pebble in the lava flow of stupidity that oozes from Baby Orange's head.........nothing, but nothing ever pricked his his tissue paper thin skin like Greta Thunberg.........

                      Greta's the autistic 16 year old girl who became a fiery, global figure in her international crusade to wake up the world to our planet's terrifying, rapid deterioration from global warming.........

                      Baby Orange, of course, cruelly mocked her in one of his infantile tweets, which she cleverly used as her Twitter account banner........

                       This week, she committed the ultimate, wounding blow to Baby Orange's most precious commodity - his giant gasbag winning the selection of Time magazine's "Person Of The Year" honor long coveted and drooled over by Baby Orange........(even to the point of decorating his royal resort palace with fake Time 'Person Of The Year' covers with his pumpkin mug placed on them.....)

                        That was a too much for Baby Orange to stomach.......and as fast as he could work his chubby little fingers, out popped another dopey, sarcastic tweet.......... taking aim at a 16 year old girl whose terrible offense was worrying about the state of world left to her generation after Baby Orange and his ilk have crawled into the tar pits.........(and whose bigger offence was stealing the Time cover away from him.....)

                        The tweet was quintessential Baby O. at his bottomless abyss best.........once again proving there are literally no depths to how low he can sink, how the utter emptiness of his heart, mind and soul defy all rational measurement or description......

                         And once again, Greta deftly struck back by using Baby Orange's idiocy as her descriptive Twitter profile...........

                        We can only wonder if it ever dawns on Melania Trump why she's publicly jeered and ridiculed for her ludicrously ironic "Be Best" anti cyber bullying campaign...........if she's that clueless, then perhaps she truly is a perfect match for Baby Orange......

                        In the meantime, we and the rest of the world can only shake our heads as we sit back and take in this spectacle.........the supposed leader of the free world hurling taunts at a teenage girl.

                       In Baby Orange's own twitter-speak (the only language he understands).....



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