Wednesday, December 18, 2019


               Remember to tell your friends that you read it here first.........

               While the White House duly followed policy in shredding the earlier drafts of Baby Orange's demented 6 page letter to Nancy Pelosi.......leave it to the BQ to uncover the original first draft.....

                Our secret insider source found the very first version of the memo scribbled on 37 crumpled Big Mac wrappers........and painstakingly pieced it together for us.......

                So here it is for your reading by Baby Orange's mini-Himmler, Stephen Miller........the original draft of the letter send to the Speaker Of The House

                  "Dear Madame Speaker:

                  Are you (REDACTED) kidding me with this (REDACTED) impeachment bullshit? You toothless, skinny hag, I'll have your balls in a jar before Christmas.

                   So you think I'm a threat to democracy?  You simpering bitch, who the (REDACTED) needs democracy when they've got me?   Screw's so over, anyway.  I'm running the show from now on - so you and Congress can go take a nap or yoga.

                   That's right, honeybuch, you're livin' in the Kingdom Of Trump.......I'm not just above the law, I am the motherf- (REDACTED) law.

                    Face it, sweetheart, I ain't going nowhere. even if I lose in 2020, I'm President For Life, baby......just like my buds Vlad, Kim, MBS and that guy who runs Disney. So deal with it.

                    You got your motherf(REDACTED)ing nerve putting me on trial like I'm one of the Salem Witches. I'll get you, my pretty....and I'll get your little dog too.Wanna play with fire, Scarecrow!

                    And believe me........nobody believes you when you claim you pray for me. I know for a fact that you've never prayed for nice things for me, otherwise  my herpes and syphilis would have improved at least a little. Face it, fart-face, the only people stupid enough to pray for me are those prize suckers, the "honk-if-you-love-Trump 'n Jesus" Evangelicals.

                    I got breaking news for you, you heinous harpy, I already put Rudy Guiliani hot on your trail - he's gonna get the goods on you for sure, along with hot dirt on the Bidens Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro, Rosie 'O Donnel, Barak Obama, the cast of "Hamilton" Hilary Clinton, Oprah,Pete Bhudda-head, Saturday Night Live,  that whiny little troll Greta Thunberg and the entire population of're all goin' down!

                     So impeachment won't work, Antsy Nancy.........I got Trumpanzees up the wazoo who think I walk on water and you'd better believe I'll stroke those brain-dead assholes at the rallies until they splooge right into their outstretched red hats, right along with the cash campaign donations!

                       Buckle up, you meddling Medusa, cause I'm not movin' out of White House until I've left the country looking as wrecked and divided as Berlin after World War II.......face it, you gibbering crone, it's what I do. To hell with the country, to hell with you.......Hail to ME!

                                                                         Love always, you doddering dumbass,
                                                                                             Donald J. Trump

            (Our deepest thanks to (REDACTED) at the White House, for sneaking out those Big Mac wrappers, putting them in chronological order after wiping the grease off......)

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