Friday, December 13, 2019


Some Girls Do (1969)     50 years ago, the onslaught of cheapjack, slapdash imitation James Bond movies was beginning to wind down...........but leave it to the Brits to come up with one of the loopiest of them of them..........

                 You can easily spot where Mike Meyers took his inspiration for Austin Powers........this sequel to 1967's "Deadlier Than The Male" basically doubles and triples and quadruples the plot of the first film.......a suave Bond-ish hero (Richard Johnson) battles not two, but this time an entire army of electronically controlled assassin babes......

                   For their very own faux-Bond, the Rank Organization resurrected Britain's stalwart fictional crimefighter Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond.......refurbished into a Connery wanna-be with the perfectly cast Johnson, who initially turned down 'Dr. No'.........

                   And what a parade of Euro-Hotties slink through this sounds like a
 roll call of every last one of them......Daliah Lavi, Beba Loncar, Sydne Rome, Virginia North........(in the politically incorrect Jurassic era of these films, this is why guys flocked to Bond films and all their imitators........yeahhhh, baby......)

                   The usual plot unfolds........the robo-cuties go out and engineer the deaths of Corporate CEO's at the direction of evil mastermind Carl Peterson (played by that master of Upperclass Snotty
Twits Begging For A Punch. James Villiers)......

                     Richard Johnson, saunters through the film casually (much like Connery did in "Diamonds Are Forever") but he manages some acceptable fight scenes and looks suitably bemused as some of the girls even reveal a few last minute twists.......

                    Silly to the max.......(don't even get us started on Robert Morley showing up as a cooking instructor) but the movie stands brightly as one of the after-effects of the Bond-O-Mania that gripped the whole world in the mid-1960's.....(see our post on "Thunderball" from last week)

                    So count us in with Austin that you can never have enough machine-gun toting Fembots in mini-skirts........a groovy 3 stars (***)

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