Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Brightburn (2019)   This is one of those movies that leaves you pondering after watching it......pondering about all the infinitely more valuable things you could have been doing with the 90 minutes it took you to get through it.........

             Like......read a good book.  Watch a classic film. Fold your laundry. Take a walk.  Nibble some fresh strawberries.  Catch up with old pals on e-mail or Facebook. Listen to your favorite CD.
Take a nice long nap.........

             Any of these options would make those 90 minutes more productive, more worthy and more entertaining than wallowing in the pool of excrement that is "Brightburn".........a sick geekshow concocted by greedy geeks to drain money from gorehound geeks who live in their parents' basements.

               No doubt the slugs who created this probably high-fived each other on the cleverness of their concept..........turn the 'Superman' origins story inside out and and backwards, making it a horror-splatterfest.........

                So baby Clark Kent becomes baby Brandon Breyer, who upon hitting puberty, transforms  himself into a masked, red-caped butcher-slasher, much to the distress of his adoptive parents who plucked him out a crashed spaceship.

                  SuperCreepyKid goes about his business, stalking and eviscerating his neighbors, relatives and finally his clueless parents, especially his whimpering, simpering, deep-in-denial Mom.....played with a full commitment to histrionics by Elizabeth Banks.......

                 Yeah, we know that's spoiler. We don't give a goddamn.........anyone who would waste precious time with this movie after reading this post wouldn't care if they knew how it ends anyway....consider this review like a Public Service Announcement to stop killing yourself by vaping and smoking........You're welcome.

                  And we've just described everything the movie has to offer........which is basically nothing beyond its primary gimmick.  It's nothing but 90 minutes of torture-porn, designed to make its target audience,  a sea of hardcore losers salivate over the sight of people pulling glass shards out of their eyeballs and having their faces turned to jelly.  This movie and the kind of people it was designed for richly deserve each other........

                 In years gone by, we might have given this film 1 star for Elizabeth Banks's overheated performance........

                  But enough is enough. Banks is at an upper-echelon point in her career......and she ought to know better than to dive head first into a tub of shit like "Brightburn" just because it offers her a meaty role........

                   This one immediately earns the very lowest rating  BQ can bestow.......it's a full-fledged AFH.....

                   ........... an ABOMINATION FROM HELL......where it should have stayed in the first place.

                   BQ addendum …...we would only rescind this rating if there's an additional scene where the Marvel Avengers assemble again to grab this little super-twerp and spank his evil ass until he can't sit down until he's eligible for Medicare...…..

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