Monday, November 11, 2019


The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester (1956)  We hadn't picked this up since our early teen years, when we gobbled up science fictions novels as fast as we could tear through them.......

                It blew us away then and it blew us away now.

               So where the hell is the movie version?   In our Marvel-driven CGI age, where studios spend unimaginable millions on superhero movies, why has no studio, screenwriter or director worked up enough creativity, ambition and balls to bring this to the of the most stunning, adventurous and outrageous sci-fi books ever written........

                 If you believe Hollywood industry stories, Paramount took a stab at it back in 2015, but nothing came of it......

                  Granted, this book's no picnic to adapt into a coherent's a sprawling epic, powered by one of sci-fi literature's most spectacular anti-heroes.....Gulliver "Gully" Foyle.

                  Foyle's partially modeled after 'The Count Of Monte Cristo' but he's also a blend of both Jean Valjean and Javert from 'Les Miserables'.  A crude, brutal toiler on spaceship crews,, Foyle embarks on a furious quest  to find out who left him abandoned in deep space after his ship was  attacked and left adrift.

                   An unrepentant thug and rapist, Foyle moves through author Bester's fantastically imagined universe, where humans have learned to 'jaunt', self-teleport themselves to wherever they put their mind to.......and civil war rages throughout the solar system between Earth and the colonized planets

                     To hide in plain sight among government and industrial enemies who pursue him, Foyle having stolen a fortune, re-invents himself as a witty, preening he steadily continues his relentless hunt for the one who left him to die.

                   Filled with non-stop, breathless action (and even passionate love) and finishing with a wild, '2001'-like trip through space and time, this tale was made for the movies........

                   We're realistic enough to know this material would, demand  a masterful, multi-tasking film director......someone with an uncanny gift for visual storytelling and the ability to mount an uncompromising adaptation of the novel's world......and find the right actor to embody that singular, tiger-faced avenger, Gully Foyle......(read the book to understand the 'tiger-faced' reference)

                    Come on, ' bout it? It's a 5 star (*****) FIND OF FINDS book.

                    How come it's not on the big screen?  (And if you've the read the book and love it as much BQ, who'd you like to see play Gully Foyle?)


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