Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Once Upon A Time In The West (1969)  We were more than happy to re-visit this film after immersing ourselves in Sir Christopher Frayling's ultimate 'making of' book, Once Upon A Time In The West: Shooting A Masterpiece.
            If you adore and cherish the film like BQ, you don't want to be without this book.......give it to yourself as a Christmas present or strongly hint to your favorite family member or friend that it's your number one gift wish........

             Though we're sorely tempted, we'll not fill up this post with loads of rhapsodic praise for Leone's masterwork........a grand opera of a western with quartest of iconic performances and the most glorious of Ennio Morricone's many brilliant scores.......

            Delving into Frayling's exhaustive history of the film, we couldn't help feeling both sadness and anger........on behalf of writer director Sergio Leone, who never quite found the respect and honor that he now holds in the annals of cinema......

             Most critics either mocked or dismissed Leone and his films........and 'Once Upon A Time In The West', upon reaching the United States in the summer of 1969, was brutally butchered by Paramount, its American distributor.......

               The passage of time and the restoration of the film to its full 165 minute director's cut, have finally brought the film all the accolades and admiration it always deserved.......including a who's who of film director fans, including Quentin Tarantino.....

               With its dazzling cinematography and Morricone's sweeping score, there's never been a film like it........and for both the book and movie, 5 stars (*****), each a FIND OF FINDS.  

                BQ says don't dare miss either.

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