Wednesday, November 27, 2019


             And here's the quick rundown of what we're thankful for.......(in absolutely no particular order)

              BD 'n BW.....Beloved Daughter, Beloved Wife..........

              Colgate Sensitivity Toothpaste........for obvious reasons......

              Chocolate Animal guilt-free a dessert as you'll ever find......(as long as you don't eat the whole bag.....)

             The music of Bernard Herrmann, John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, Elmer Bernstein.......for the soundtracks of our life.....

             Living to an overripe age.........sometimes a pain in the ass (or back, or knee) but still better than the alternative......

             Our college buddies who've also managed to survive all the ups 'n downs that life threw at us.....

              Crispy hot moderation

              James Bond movies........except "Man With The Golden Gun" which just sucks so bad, it's impossible to include......

               Every single truth teller......journalists, diplomats, military leaders, assorted Democrats.....everyone who's done their part to expose the most unfit, lying, pseudo-fascist President in American History.......who've made themselves the front-line troops in the battle to save Democracy and the United States Of America.

                All our blog visitors......bless your hearts for stopping in.........wishing you all good things, good health, good friends, good books, good films........and much love.


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