Sunday, July 28, 2019


Below by Ryan Lockwood (2013)    No summer's complete without a book like this........

                 For everyone who needs a "Jaws" romp  to wile away the rest of these balmy days, this'll do just fine.........

                 Yes, it's from that wonderful genre where horrible things in the ocean want grab you and eat you......(and that's all you really need to know.......any book that kicks off with lines like....."they needed to feed" or know a good time's comin'......except for the characters in the book, of course....)

                This one features a voracious mass ( or 'shoal' to use the correct term) of Humboldt squid who've been driven into a rabid frenzy by parasitic worms inside their squishy innards......

                 Oh my, this does not bode well for any humans who encounter them......they promptly get seized by spiky tentacles and dragged down into the deep to be eaten alive.  The stuff of aquatic nightmares......

                  Naturally, there's a few people you're supposed to care about here.......a beautiful marine biologist and a cranky charter boat captain who's an alcoholic, still grieving widower.

                So guess which two people end up dunked in the drink with the squid armada?  (But not before bunches of other folks die horribly at the of the ever ravenous monsters....)

                The prose is moderately okay.....(come on, nobody cracks open a book like this for the sparkling writing)......and gory summer fun is guaranteed.  3 bubbling stars (***)...... don't let summer slip by without fighting off a ghastly horde of  parasite-crazed, super hungry squid.....from the comfort of a lounge chair, preferably.......

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