Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Baby, Baby, Baby (2015)     This must have floated down deeper than whale doo-doo 4 years ago.......

              Cause I'd never heard of it until I stumbled upon it at my local library's "Help Us Get Rid  Of Stuff That Nobody's Checked Out In Over 4 Years" sale.......

               Even as I write this, somewhere there's some shlubby, sad sack writer-director who's pounding out a script about his Crash-'N-Burn love affair with a beautiful girl way, way, way out of his league........

                 Mercifully, most of these screenplays will stay safely in their writers' lower desk drawers, atop a pile of rejection slips.

                  Every so escapes. Exhibit A:  this movie.

                  To their credit, the filmmakers who take a whack at this peculiar genre never objectify the girl. In fact, she comes fully equipped with her own quirks, issues, deep-seated anxieties and personal goals....

                    But her problems pale in comparison  to the awkward, insecure, unlucky-in-love, deeply neurotic guy who manages to win her heart.........briefly.

                   And so begins the long painful road to the inevitable break-up, strewn with misunderstandings, mis-construed arguing and a host of cringe-inducing "That's-not-what-I-meant" moments......

                    You know the drill.  The too-witty-for-his-own-good shlub is going to end up sadder, wiser......and single,  And his Dreamgirl?  Off to a more fulfilling career and classier, richer boyfriends......

                    I'll say this much.......the 90 minutes of  writer-director Brian Klugman's doomed romance with Adrianne Palicki comes out far more digestible than the 34 Netflix "Love" episodes, detailing writer Paul Rust's non-stop cringe-o-rama with Gillian Jacobs,  (see previous BQ posts)

                  That's only because Klugman employs a clever, creative twist.........strewn among the relationship wreckage: illustrative, fantasy mini-skits, populated with "oh-my-freakin' God, is that who I think it is???" cameos - Bradley Cooper, Cloris Leachman, William Shatner, Dennis Haysbert, Jessica Alba, Jared Harris.....

                   Of course, the best of these little episodes doesn't even feature actors at all......but our favorite star-crossed romantic couple.....a male and female preying mantis......(writers' favorite metaphor for the dangers of random sex....)

                  Without those min-skits, I'd barely scrape up half a star for the babyish "Baby Baby Baby"........but with them, 2 stars (**).  As for any of you lonely guys, hunched over your laptops  tapping out that tale of  how you lost that beautiful funny girl.......spare us. Please.  We're all begging you.......

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