Tuesday, July 16, 2019


                  Once again, a BQ exclusive you can't get on any other blog, podcast or cable news network......   

                  Lady Liberty recently turned down offers to appear on "The View", "Ellen", "Meet The Press", "Beat Shazam","Jeopardy"  and the lead participant in the the next season of "The Bachelorette"......but somehow, (with a free pass to "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood" and a bag of Kings Hawaiian rolls) I talked her into a one-on-one, no holds barred sit down.......

BQ:       Thanks so much for agreeing to this interview.

LL:        Hey, no problem, I check out your blog every so often. I thought you were a little hard on Frankie Avalon in "Horror House", but to be honest, I gotta thing for Frankie.

BQ:      Duly noted. So......I'm guessing you're here to weigh in on President Trump telling those four Congresswomen to 'go back where they came from'-

LL:       Bingo, buddy.  Seriously, how in the holy hell did you people put that walking talking turd into the White House?   You gotta be ****in' kidding me........my giant copper big toe would make a better President.

BQ:      Can't disagree with you there.

LL:      Does that Ass-wipe Hemmoroid even realize what country he's President of??    What part of 'give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free' doesn't he understand?

BQ:     Actually, I think he agrees with that 'huddled masses' part......as long as they're blonde, white and from Norway...…

LL:     So you're tellin' me that President Numb-nuts doesn't realize that the friggin' U.S. of A. is a whole country of immigrants........a lot of whom came over here cause they were tryin' to escape people like..... President Numb-nuts.

BQ:    Uh.....yeah. Pretty much.

LL:    I swear to God, the next time that putz sets foot in New York, I'm gonna step on him so hard, they'll need the National Guard to clean out all the bullshit that squishes out,,,,,,

BQ:   Wow. I'd no idea how much he upset you.

LL:    Me?  Never mind me,....at the end of the day, I'm just a big-ass statue parked in the middle of New York harbor.  What about a country that's been a beacon of freedom and a haven for the oppressed for 243 years?  Which Pumpkinhead is taking a huge steaming piss on every day he's in office.

BQ:   Lady Liberty, you're truly an eloquent, empowered woman.

LL:   Damn straight.  Why do you think Cadet Bone Spurs never tried to grab my pussy.......he'd end up like that little worm  in Hitchcock's "Saboteur"...…

BQ:   Thanks so much for stopping by. Before you go, any truth to the buzz that you'll cameo in the next "Ghosbusters"?

LL:    Shhhh! No one's supposed to know. I turned down "Stranger Things" so I could clear my schedule for it......

BQ:    Won't say a word. How 'bout the "Bachelorette"?

LL:    ABC's lining up bachelors as we speak,  Just my stinkin' luck......Frankie Avalon's still married...…

BQ:   Any parting shots?

LL:    Yo, Donny.....yeah, you, Mr. Fake President. How about if you go back to where you came from?
…………...Hell misses you,,,,,and the country and the world would be so better off.......


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