Thursday, July 25, 2019


               For almost 2 years, more than half the U.S. looked to Robert Mueller as the still shining light at the end of the tunnel.........

       the savior who would rescue the country from the new Dark Age it had fallen into.

               Tweeters joyfully chirped 'Now comes Mueller-time!'.....quoting the beer commercial in advance of his report.

                When Mueller and his report finally arrived, the light in the tunnel blinked out. He didn't come to rescue us after all........he only meticulously laid out what we had to rescue ourselves from....

                Beyond that, he had no further interest.

                And neither did ADD-afflicted Americans, who could barely stay focused on the latest "Bachelorette" episode, let alone read a 450 page report.....

                ........a dream come true for Trump and his mob lawyer posing as the Attorney General.

               Democrats foolishly thought they could coerce Mueller into making his report vivid and real for a near-illiterate populace, like having a celebrity read "Green Eggs And Ham" to an audience of rapt toddlers......

                But Mueller, aging, forgetful, halting in speech and thought, made good on his promise that his testimony would be nothing more than his report.......and left frustrated, confounded politicians from both parties with a barrage of "I can't speak to that", "I can't answer that"......endlessly.

                  Trump brayed in triumph, vomiting out his usual river of lies.......

                  So here's where we stand now.....(or as BQ sees it.....)

                   Nancy Pelosi's right. Impeachment's a waste of time. Never gonna happen. Besides, the GOP no longer consists of real Senators and Congressmen......they're nothing but minions, slaves to Trump, the guys in the red jumpsuits from the older James Bond the votes aren't there.

                  The Trumpanzees who adore him will never stomach Impeachment anyway.........they'd consider their votes stolen........anger and resentment would fester for generations.

                   The Ballet Box will be the only to save American definitively cutting out the spreading cancer of Trump.......and putting an end to his demented dreams of becoming President-For-Life of his very own banana republic.

                     Mueller-Time's over. Voter-Time comes next.


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