Saturday, July 6, 2019


The Party's Just Beginning (2018)    I normally should loathe and despise this little movie.......a prime example of navel-gazing, convoluted indie film gibberish.......

              Can't do it.  'Cause if you peer through the typical morass of the random dysfunction and depression on display, you can spot and savor glimmers of raw talent here........from a gifted, thoughtful filmmaker, showing a sure hand with actors and a firm command of visual storytelling.

              And the writer-director I speak of here: none other than actress Karen Gillam, former 'Dr.Who' sidekick who now romps through Marvel superhero stuff and 'Jumanji' reboots.....

               Her first smart move was gifting the film with herself as the lead - a misery-stricken 20-something haunted by the suicide of her best friend......(within a single camera shot, Gillam can go from movie-star stunning to the acne-ridden girl-next-door without blinking an eye.....she's brilliant that way.....)

               As she repeatedly torments herself with an imagined violent version of her friend's death, she seeks solace in random binges......curbside sex with total strangers, alcohol and bags and bags of chips (fries, for you American visitors).........

               There's not much else's Indie-world, after real story, no forward momentum, just remote observation of character and behavior......

              But Gillam still grips your attention and holds on to it........and in her careful wide-screen compositions you can tell she knows, unlike the usual spate of film festival phonies, how to make a film that resonates visually.  She not only can direct her cast skillfully, she's got a cinematic eye.

               It's a tough business and most indie darlings who make circuitous, self-indulgent mind-trips like this don't get another shot at it........thankfully. But Gillam's got genuine filmmaking chops.....and she's one writer-director-actor that BQ would love to see keep making movies.

               2 stars (**)......but more, please. Armed with a real script and a real story, Karen Gillam could easily knock one out of the park.......


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