Sunday, June 2, 2019


The Night Before by Wendy Walker (2019)     You gotta kick off the summer with an ultra-twisty Beach Read.......

                   And thriller-ista Wendy Walker ("Emma In The Night") knows how to Twist All NIght like Chubby Checker........

                    (Sorry, but you young 'uns will have to hit that Google hard and fast to look up 'Chubby Checker'......)

                    Oh Great Library Godz, give me I prepare to do the one thing I HATE MORE ANYTHING IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!

                     ........try to describe a suspense thriller plot without spoiling anything......okay here goes.....

                    The Players:   Four of 'em......childhood friends, now all grown up and hiding God-Only-Knows how many Deep Dark Secrets from each other.........

                    Not to mention a brutal murder hanging over their teenage years........

                     We've got married couple Joe 'n Rosie, their next door neighbor Gabe and Rosie's seriously screwed-up sister Laura, a damaged dysfunctional beauty with a lifetime of lookin' for love in very wrong places.........(or did she?????   Dum dum DUMMMMMM!)

                       Laura risks a night out with an on-line date........and promptly disappears........

                      That's it, I'm done.  I'd rather endure another colonoscopy than attempt a coherent breakdown of a thriller plot.......

                      Will you have a good time?  Yep. Will the the twists come poppin' at you left and right?

                     …….Oh, you betcha..... Will you race through the last 50 pages til you realize it's 2 '0 Clock in the Goddamn morning?  Check.

                       BQ says have yourself a kick-ass summer and dive into this one for a start.....
4 stars (****)......Summertime! Everybody in the blood-soaked pool!

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