Thursday, June 20, 2019


               Starting to grow nostalgic for when real life........was a lot closer to sanity than today's real life........

                 The MTV Movie Awards.......Seems a decade ago since it was loads of fun to watch.......all about the stupid categories....(best kiss, best fight, best WTF moment, best scream...) But now?  A few  goofy awards remain, but now it's all about handing out "You're F***ing Wonderful!" awards to celebs who prattle on with gasbag speeches about how wonderful it is to receive a "You're F***king Wonderful!" award.  God, what a snoozer.......

                   Baby Orange obsesses over Hilary Clinton at his re-election kickoff rally......and completely oblivious to what year it is..........the Trumpanzees eat it up, but then they're only about 5 brain cells away from life support.....

                     "X-Men: Dark Phoenix" and "Men In Black International" tank in the U.S........good riddance to worn-out franchises........buh-bye.......don't let the multi-plex doors hit your asses on the way out......see ya in the $3.74 Wal-Mart week, maybe?.

                    Hope Hicks.........claimed Executive Privilege when asked by the Dems if the sky was blue.......good for you, Hope......I know a perjury trap when I smell one.............

                     Bella Thorne strikes at back at Whoopi Goldberg for shaming her about nude cellphone photos......Call me a baby boomer dinosaur, but I'm totally with the Whoopster on this one........let's be this day and age, actresses who put nakey pics of themselves on their easily hacked phones are workin' with even less brain cells than the rally Trumpanzees......and that's dangerously close to life-support-vegetable status........

                    "We so miss Sarah Huckabee Sanders"........says absolutely no one......

                     Iran provoking war....with a Hey Nonny Nonny And A Hot Cha Cha......the expert BQ analysis......the fanatic Whackadoodles who control Iran aren't trying to provoke Trump himself.....they already know he's an idiot with a 2nd Grade mind.......the one they really hope to poke is Trump's war-crazy Dr. Seuss-drawn sabre-rattler John Bolton, who's hiding at least one or two automatic weapons inside his mustache in case of emergencies..........Bolton can't wait to start his very own Middle East war, where he gets to put even more young American soldiers into a meat the question Trumpty-Dumpty really dopey enough let Bolton push him off the wall?

                       Joe Biden proud of getting along with the ancient racist senators.......scary stuff indeed......if old Uncle Joe's tongue is wandering this far from his brain......can a vote-killing "deplorables" remark be far behind?   Stay tuned.

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