Thursday, January 24, 2019


The Woman In The Window by A.J. Finn (2018)   Once again, faced with same dilemma.......

               How do you talk about one of these twisty thrillers without.......mentioning the twists.......

               Clever fellow, this Finn........just like the two french authors who specifically wrote a book to tempt Hitchcock into filming it (which he did, as "Vertigo"), Finn makes "The Woman In The Window" ready-made for the movies.........complete with a gut wrenching flight-'n-fight showdown between our heroine and.......( Ooops......Sorry, no Spoilers here.....)

                Surprise, surprise......the movie, starring Amy Adams comes out in October........

                All the tropes you expect fall perfectly in alignment agoraphobic child psychologist, Dr. Anna Fox, drowning her shut in misery with uppers, downers and gallons of Merlot.........a murder in a neighboring house that Anna's taken to spying on......which nobody believes happened, given that Anna, the only witness, remains permanently sloshed on pills and wine......

                   And that's as much you can get from us, except to say that there's extra fun in Anna's addiction to watching classic movie thrillers repeatedly........(one or two of these films becomes instrumental in helping her figure out the twists 'n turns of what's really going on.....but we wouldn't dare reveal which ones they are....)

                     Though lengthy for a thriller, A.J.Finn moves it along at a fairly fast, entertaining speed. And you'll want to stop whatever you're doing when you arrive at that purely cinematic, satisfying finale.  (We're not sure, however, how filmmakers will handle that standard Jumbo Twist that Finn springs about halfway through.......something easy to do in a book, but tricky to pull off in a movie)

                     The BQ's strong advice, always........don't wait for film.  Read the book, get in on the fun and treat yourself to all the thrills and chills right now.  Later this year, you can kick back in the multiplex and judge how close the filmmakers came to the book's sharp evocation of all the movie thrillers it references. 4 stars (****)  Have a great time with this one.

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