Monday, January 7, 2019


The Golden Globe Awards (2019)

               Of all the awards shows, the Globes used to be the  best Guilty Pleasure.......cause the participants could get sloshed during the show and potentially say all manner of stupid, embarrassing things....... Yowza!

                We used to love all the preening, self-congratulatory eogtism on display.......(as in....."I'm so honored and privileged to have been a part of this project.....that entertains, uplifts and teaches us all about the healing power of the the human spirit.......blah, blah, blah, blah...."

                 Nowadays?   Yawn.

                 It's possible that the populace (including the BQ) have come to realize that we don't need millionaire actors to instruct us paycheck-to-paycheck shlubs about the healing power of the human spirit........

                 (Memo to Celebs: we'd care a whole lot more about what you're wearing if you'd actually forked out your own cash to pay for those gown, jewels and tuxedos draped over yourselves....)

                  And who the hell cares about which of these movies wins awards anymore?  Are there any of them that we couldn't just as soon wait till they gravitate to their final resting place on basic cable?
(or the $3.74 DVD bin at Wal-Mart?)

                  We'll risk heresy at this point concerning the overwhelming praise for "Black Panther............sorry, but the fact that 3,000 CGI animators can bounce spandexed black actors into buildings, cars, mountains and each other, just like the spandexed white NOT a pivotal, groundbreaking event in motion picture history........

                   And who the hell subscribes simultaneously to all the streaming services and premium cable channels  that offer their own series and movies?

                     (Memo to Entertainment Industry:  You can blather all you want about these shows and bestow endless awards on them.......but there's still millions of us who can't scrape up the cash to subscribe to 20 different streaming/cable venues.......)

                    By the way, our heart goes out to Elsie Fisher, the 15 year old star of "Eighth Grade" who innocently tweeted her happiness about the win of "Bohemian Rhapsody"........poor Elsie knew nothing about the film's pedophile director, Bryan Singer being disgraced, replaced and erased from the if he never happened.  Twitter trolls went after her with a vengeance......welcome to Showbiz, kiddo......

                     Lastly.......pardon us if we silently chuckle at the irony of the Hollywood folk now embracing  the purge of sexual-abusing scumbags by the #MeToo movement.......(if Bill Cosby has had his honorary college degrees revoked, then maybe the 'woke' crowd should consider taking back Roman Polanski's Oscar for "The Pianist".......)

                     Our final suggestion for the Globes and all subsequent awards shows......the new thing among celebs who won't shut up and get off the stage after winning is to defy the orchestra trying to play them off and keep babbling on........

                     Our solution......and awards shows can have this idea free of charge.....

                      Unless it's a beloved, iconic actor who never won a single award in 60 years, we suggest a high powered water hose to blast the offender out of the theater, across the red carpet and straight back into his limo........

                      If they'd only promise to do that, we might stay awake for the last award........




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