Tuesday, January 1, 2019


               In no order whatsoever..........

               The new Bond movie to go into production........so it doesn't miss its 2020 Valentine's Day release date.......(let's go, guys, we're not gettin' any younger here....)

                A new season of "Stranger Things".......as long as they realize that watching this show should only happen in the balmy heat of summer or on crisp October nights.......either one's okay with us......

                 The Disney organization doesn't give up on making a completely original live-action movie.....in addition to their standard policy of making laborious CGI remakes of their classic animated films.........(we're worried they may have given up trying after their catastrophic "Nutcracker And The Four Realms")

                 More comic book movies utterly bombing at the box office.......cause for no other reason than we're sooooooo sick of the time, attention and money spent on them.  If we have to listen to one more actor from a comic book movie discuss, with intense seriousness, his character's "journey".......we'll go mad.......

                  The complete decimation and destruction of the Trump Presidency.......coming from any or all of the 17 investigations closing in on him......(not to mention all the new ones to be started by the democrats in the House of Representatives.....) .........for the safety and sanity of the U.S. and the entire world, this can't happen soon enough......

                  New issues of 'Cinema Retro' magazine......if you love movies from the 60's and 70's, this is THE best damn magazine ever.......detailed and exhaustive in its coverage of all the films we came to know and love.......(if you enjoy visiting our site, you shouldn't go without this magazine....)

                  The new "Godzilla" movie........this goes on the list only if they stop playing peek-a-boo with the Big Guy and show him doin' his fire-breathing and building deconstruction in broad daylight........otherwise it's going on the list of things we hated most in 2019

                 A happy, healthy, fun-filled New Year for all BQ visitors.........and thanks so much for stopping in!

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