Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Abducted In Plain Sight (2017)   We normally wouldn't waste our time posting about yet another documentary about a monstrous pedophile..........

               You can watch 50 of 'em a week on the various basic cable channels......

                This one stopped us cold........and not because of its nauseating details of how a serial pedo preyed upon an innocent 12 year old girl and her family........

                 What's disturbing, frightening  and profoundly the mind-blowing stupidity of the young girl's parents.

                 In its depiction of the ridiculously gullible Broberg family, there doesn't appear to be a single functioning brain cell, or even a glimmer of basic common sense.  Until, of course, all the damage has been wreaked upon them and their then 12 year old daughter Jan.

                Their overwhelmingly evil neighbor, Robert Berchtold, managed to sexually seduce the Broberg parents to reach his primary target, Jan..........whom he kidnapped not once, but twice. (The details of all this are simply too insane to'd have to sit through the film to believe any of it.....)

                 Watching all this unfold (occurring in 1974), you realize the story is less about the Monster Next Door, whose machinations are all too typical, than about the imbecilic Brobergs, who allowed this viper to repeatedly invade their home.......and thereby destroy their daughter's childhood.....

                  What's really on view here........a coming attraction of the mass of brainless Trumpanzees who swallowed every lie and elected not just the worst President in United States history.....but one of the world's worst human beings.

                  When editorial writers, cable news pundits and 60% of the population gaze astounded at those MAGA baseball cap zombies who continue to support such an incompetent, psychotic loon, we would direct them to a viewing of this film.........

                  Take a good look at this 4 star (****) horrifying portrait of hoodwinked dopes....... .they sat back and let an immoral, inhuman creature demolish their family......much in the same way the  Trumpanzees cheer on an immoral inhuman creature as he demolishes the country.

                 ……….which makes this film more scary than any horror film playing this year so far......

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