Tuesday, January 22, 2019


                 Kurmail Nanjiani and Tracee Ellis Ross    If the Motion Picture Academy demanded an apology from Kevin Hart, then they ought to demand one from these two..........for peppering the entire list of nominees with their continuous lame gags about having gotten up too early to read the list of nominees........with or without an apology, make them the show hosts and let them complains the entire night about being made the show hosts......they're still funnier than Kevin Hart......

                   Emily Blunt.........and she thought impaling her foot on a nail in "The Quiet Place" was the worst thing she'd endure this year.......the Academy just force fed her a Spoonful Of Nothing and it won't help the medicine go down.......

                   Ethan Hawke  Best actor of the year as far the BQ's concerned.........suck it, Academy.

                    Won't You Be My Neighbor  The one movie we all desperately needed, as the USA and the world suffers through the horrors of Trump Hell. Forget the nominees, this is THE best documentary of the year........

                     Best Picture nominees that must have directed themselves......this has been an ongoing problem since......uh...forever.......where film directors see their movies in the Best Picture category, without a Best Director nod for them.   Welcome to the Academy's special 'F*** The Director' club. Bradley Cooper and Peter Farelly.....

                    Black Panther. Vs. Crazy Rich Asians.........In the land of the newly Woke, don't ask us to explain this.......an all-black superhero movie gets showered with awards and an all-Asian romantic comedy ends up with nothing.........go figure.  (We'll risk the wrath of the Woke to point out that at the end of the day, "Black Panther" is just another overlong, over-CGI'd Marvel movie about people in spandex costumes picking up and hurling around other people in spandex costumes........)

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