Saturday, January 12, 2019


               FBI investigated Baby Orange as a potential Russian stooge.......given his Putin-Puppet antics of the last 2 years, who needs an investigation?  This probe now falls under the  "DUH!" files....

                Baby Orange claims he never said Mexico would directly pay for his wall..........therefore, we were all having mass hallucinations while we watched the rallies where Baby Orange and his Trumpanzees shouted back and forth  "Who's gonna pay for the wall?!" "Mexico!".....the actual footage of these rallies must have been CGI'd by the Fake News......never happened.

                  Baby Orange claims Federal workers with no paychecks are still backing his wall.....really and truly?  You mean the Federal workers who now can't pay their mortgages, utility bills, medical bills or afford food to put on the table for their children?  Those Federal workers?

                  The Larva of Baby Orange claims the wall will function just like cages at the keep you safe from the wild animals......hopefully in the very near future, Baby Larva will discover the function of Federal prison walls.......

                  Baby Orange imagines he can use disaster relief money for his wall........and why not? He was more than generous to those Puerto Rico ingrates by throwing them at least 3 rolls of paper towels......what the hell more could they want?

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