Saturday, August 4, 2018


             What a week.......madness overload......

             Onward Sessions Soldiers....The KKKeebler Elf re-invents The Crusades.....with his "Religious Liberty Task Force"........(English translation: "Death To The Non Believers!  Especially the ones who don't go to our church...."

               Baby Orange claims you have to show ID at grocery stores.....Lucky for him, all national supermarket chains honor the "KGB Useful Idiot" Visa card.....

               National Security Team says Russia's at it again....Baby Orange says, "it's a hoax!"  He's right about one thing.....he pulled off the biggest hoax on the redhat suckers who put him in office.....

                "Collusion isn't a crime!!"   Well, gee whiz, that's come Baby Orange spent the last year shrieking "No Collusion!" at the top of his lungs (and his tiny little Twitter fingers)

                 Baby Orange asks the KKKeebler Elf to end the Mueller probe.......can't wait to see all the desperation sweat start to melt that orange gunk off of Baby Orange's'll probably look like the wax figures melting into a puddle from "Mystery Of The Wax Museum"......

                  Baby Orange threatens a government shutdown if Congress won't fund his wall.....oh, you mean the Wall that Mexico was going to pay for??

                  Baby Orange wants the ACLU to find the parents he separated from their kids......"hey, you know this is like healthcare......who knew it was going to be so complicated?   Do me a favor, will ACLU lefties go find the parents, okay?  Me, I got Tweets to type..."

                   Ivanka contradicts Baby Orange.......she may have finally figured out who's been sending her romantic e-mails that read "I like long walks on the beach and cuddling by a fireplace...."

                   3-D Guns........Latest White House statement - "Our future Thoughts and Prayers to the the families of the first people killed by someone who snuck a 3-D gun past the TSA metal detectors....just suck it up already and stop blubberin'".....

                   Baby Orange whips up Trumpanzees against reporters....."There they are! Those horrible, horrible people who keep fact-checking me every time I tell ridiculous likes! Fake News!"

                   Rudy Giuliani......celebrating the 50th anniversary of his signature role as a Blue Meanie in "Yellow Submarine".....

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