Friday, August 3, 2018


Coco (2017)    There's hardly anything we could add to the 1000's of reviews already posted on last year's Pixar film..........visually stunning- check......a rich, rich feast for the eyes and mind- check......a finale that's impossible to hold back tears through- check......

                 What struck us like a one single night, we watched both "Coco" and extensive clips of the latest of Trump's 'Der Fuhrer' rallies, in which he whips up his base of mindless Trumpanzees into a frenzy.......

                    "Coco", of course, is populated with people whom Trump believes are all rapists and gang other words, Mexicans.

                    Like most Pixar films, "Coco" deals with the unbreakable bonds of family, depicted with the kind of loving humanity that's as foreign and distant to Trump as the moons of Jupiter. Probably the closest Trump ever gets to familial emotions occurs during his wet dreams about Ivanka..........

                    While it's dazzling us with its riot of eye-popping colors, artistry and music, "Coco" remembers to pull on our heartstrings with the universality of all human experience......the bonding and remembrance of the people we hold dear.

                    Meanwhile, Trump dazzles his rally audiences with his usual windstorm of lies and gibberish........cheered and applauded by conned suckers who've deluded themselves into thinking he cares for them.........when it's made crystal clear every day to the rest of the country that there's only one single individual Trump holds dear to his heart.......Trump.

                     We couldn't help comparing the afterlife skeletons of "Coco"s cast, who display such wit, wisdom and humor to the non-existent heart and soul of Trump........oblivious to the misery and abuse he and his minions heaped on the immigrant children he separated from their parents......

                     Rating these two events we encountered on the same evening was simple.......for "Coco", 4 stars (****)......for Trump and his Infinity and Beyond.



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