Saturday, August 25, 2018


                We couldn't help borrowing Edward G. Robinson's last line from "Little Caesar".......gasped out by Robinson's gangster character as he's finally cornered like rat........

                 Cornered like a rat.........hmmmm.......what does this remind us of????

                 Manafort & Cohen go bye-bye.........fueling the new push to Make Prisons White Again...

                  Trump Republican throws his wife under the bus as they're both indicted for finance fraud.......what a sterling guy, learned from the master.  The sound you here is coming from Don Jr., Jared and Ivanka.......the sound of sweating bullets if the hammer falls on them.......when Daddy will shrug and say, "Kids?  What kids?  I hardly knew 'em, believe me.  As far as I know, they brought me Diet'd have to talk to Micheal- oops, never mind....."

                     Enquirer guy turns on Baby Orange.........can't wait for the paper's future headlines...."Trump paid Uranus Aliens to cover up his alien baby!!!", "Trump found in Motel 6 three-way with Hilary and Nancy Pelosi!"

                     Trump Organization CFO get immunity......Making Baby Orange feel like he's trapped in the giant trash compacter from the first 'Star Wars'........except that he's swimming in all his own trash there's no Artoo around to stop the walls from closing in on him.........

                     Baby Orange thinks "flipping" should be outlawed.........especially when everyone's flipping on him.......

                     Baby Orange again whacks the Pinata shaped like an Attorney General.......Pinata whacks back.......but Jeff Sessions proudly announces his Religious Liberty Task Force has seized 138 wedding cakes from gay couples as they attempt to walk out of bakeries......

                    Baby Orange claims he might take over and "run" the Mueller investigation.......imagine the press conference, "Based on evidence collected by me in the investigation of me.......I hereby declare myself innocent of all charges....."

                    Baby Orange gives himself an terms of assessing the most incompetent, unfit, delusional, psychopathic and traitorous American President in history........A+ is about right.....

                    New engraved nameplate added to Oval Office desk:   'Unindicted Co-Conspirator-In-Chief........

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