Saturday, August 11, 2018


           Space Force! Episode 1: The Fat Liar Strikes Back......."That's no's Mueller!"....
......normally costing Trillions of dollars.......but relax..... Mexico and Uranus are splitting the costs....

            Omorosa says Baby Orange used the "N" word......To quote Claude Rains character from "Casablanca"......we're shocked, SHOCKED to hear such a thing. Why, that would mean the President of The United a racist?  Is that......possible???

             Kanye West stunned into silence for 4 seconds,  when Jimmy Kimmel asks him if Baby Orange cares for black people..........Even if it was getting Kanye to shut up for only 4 seconds, Kimmel deserves an Emmy for Meritorious Service To All Of Humanity.......

             Baby Orange lets his immigrant in-laws become 'Chain Migration' citizens.....but all the rest of you rapist/gang member/Muslim/shithole country refugees better not even dream about it.........only special  white,  officially Baby Orange-sanctioned people are allowed.......and maybe, one or two Norwiegens........

             Fox Goblin Laura Ingraham bemoans the influx of multi-colored people to America.......thank you, Laura........for clearing it up for anyone who still wonders what the English translation of "Make America Great Again" means.......




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