Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Insatiable (2018)     This might have been tolerably entertaining as a 90 minute movie.........a bunch of low-grade Coen Brothers redneck rejects insulting and plotting against each other.......

                  Stretched out to 12 streaming episodes that total about 9 hours.....it becomes a punishment from hell.......the same caricatures hammering away at the same jokes until you beg for mercy.

                   Maybe Homeland Security could pin open the eyeballs of Guantanamo prisoners and make them watch it.

                    Social Media Snowflakes worked themselves up into an uproar about the first episode.....which features an obese, bullied high school girl (Debby Ryan) losing all the weight and turning into.......well, Debby Ryan minus the fleshy plastic fat suit.

                    So off Debby goes, newly slim and hot,  to exact revenge on her tormentors and that's pretty much the end of the fat shaming part of the series.

                    The rest of the show hurls Debby into a never ending comic soap opera populated by a host of deep South, deep fried Gargoyles.........who carry on like exaggerated oddities that escaped out of deleted scenes from 'Raising Arizona' and 'Steel Magnolias'.......

                     Pinning her hopes for a brighter future on winning beauty pageants, she puts herself in the hands of a high strung bi-sexual lawyer (Dallas Roberts) who fancies himself a mentor-manager of beauty queens.

                     We're already exhausted describing this much of it........and we haven't even gotten to all the repetitive twists, turns and various subplots in which the eccentric cast members bounce off each other like ping pong balls in a rotating Bingo basket.

                     A few genuine laughs pop up along the way, but the sheer overlength of the series conspires to make the whole thing wear out its welcome after a few episodes........as we mentioned.buried somewhere in those tedious 9 hours is a rapid-fire 90 minute satire aching to get out.

                      Special Dishonorable Mention goes to Dallas Roberts.......playing his sexually conflicted character the same way actors used to score cheap laughs in 1960's movies with gay-stereotype shtick...... 9 hours of watching Roberts mince, swish and hysterically babble his way through the episodes made "Insatiable"  especially torturous.

                        1 star (*) for the sporadically placed gag lines......maybe someone should attempt the opposite of a director's cut and just leave the funny stuff. We're guessing it would run......90 minutes.

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