Saturday, August 18, 2018


           Baby Orange Vs. Omorosa......not since Godzilla went one-on-one with King Ghidora  have we been more entertained by two fantasy cartoon characters bashing each other senseless.......and never have two people more deserved each other more.....

            The Grand Baby Orange Military Parade cancelled......Damn!  We can't describe how much we looked forward to this.......especially the big finale featuring the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes dressed up like huge Bone Spurs.......and the presenting to Baby Orange of the new Congressional Medal for Meritorious Service For Avoiding The Clap in NYC during the Vietnam War.......

             Baby Orange revokes John Brennan's security clearance.......when the only true threat to National Security....(of the nation and the entire world) Baby Orange.....

             Melania plans to attend anti-cyber-bullying event......ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

              Steve Bannon praises Baby Orange's rant about Charlottesville........the Boob-enFuhrer has spoken...…

             Admiral McRaven's tweet to Baby Orange.....Memo to and re-read this tweet...….for a moment, you can imagine what it's like to have a spine......

              Baby Orange revokes the Beached Quill's security clearance.......not a moment too soon....we were one click away from posting something stupid, nasty and racist that Baby Orange just said.....oh wait a's already in one of his 4am Tweets???  Ah well, I guess we can still speak our mind anyhow......

              The Enemy Of The's not the press. Three guesses as to who it is........

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