Friday, July 13, 2018


                Kudos to all in the U.K. who came up with this.........a perfectly freakish embodiment of the the name I coined for our fake president over a year ago.     

                Many, many thanks for bringing this character to glorious life........he should become a permanent fixture in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade......floating alongside Snoopy, Pikachu, and Garfield The Cat........

                And special thanks for Mission Accomplished.........Baby Orange's ultra thin skin was easily pierced by the Baby Orange balloon......poor Baby had his feelings hurt........

                Baby Orange Minions Attack Peter Strzok........and to their gasping outrage and frustration, discovered this FBI guy can't be bullied, threatened or cowed.........

                 Hilarious viewing ensued as the GOP Minion Clown Car went on the rampage.......

                 There's a certain part of us that feels a measure of sympathy for this hapless slugs..........In blind obedience to Baby Orange, they've sacrificed everything ......their intelligence, integrity, morality, adherence to the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law and their last remaining shreds of common decency.......

                  They're no longer public servants of any kind..........they're just servants. Period. With only one master.

                  Our sympathy refers to that future, fateful day........ when these jellyfish who once walked upright and thought their own thoughts come to realize how history will view them.........

                  Good luck with that, guys........


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