Monday, July 30, 2018


Anne With An E (2017-2018- Season 2)    Obviously, only Beloved Daughter could have coerced us to sit through this.........

             To use comparable experiences to describe it........listening to a 2 hour Rudy Guiliani interview on cable news........reliving the prep day required before a colonoscopy........white hot needles driven into our eyes........

               Need we go on?

               The first time we ever saw 'SJW' flung around the internet, we'll admit.......we had to google it.

               Of course , Social Justice Warriors in films and TV now thrive in the ever toxic Kingdom Of Trump........where civility and rational discourse have been replaced by bigotry, racism, misogyny and deepening division.

                So something like the second season of 'Anne With An E' was probably inevitable......a clumsy, embarrassingly awful attempt to cram every hot-button issue of the 21st century into 10 episodes of a show that's supposed to take place at the end of the 19th century.

                There's nothing inherently wrong with using past history to cleverly mirror current events. Arthur Miller did it in "The Crucible",turning the Salem witch trials into a brutal takedown of 1950's McCarthyism......

                But 'Anne With An E' creator-writer Moira Walley-Beckett is no Arthur Miller.......

                In the course of ten 45 minute episodes, Walley-Beckett, seething with righteous anger,  is determined to take viewers on a guided tour of racial hatred, bullying, female empowerment, the tortured, closeted lives of gay men and women.......and even science deniers........(yes, the villagers think a young progressive schoolteacher's use of the old 'electric potato' experiment is a magic trick...)

                 As for jamming in the LBGTQ issues, two of the gay characters, an elderly woman and a teen boy are gentle, kind and  brilliantly artistic.......while the loathsome, Dickensian schoolteacher, consumed with self-hatred by his same-sex yearnings, is a miserable asshole.

                 With so many modern agendas to cover, the show doesn't make the slightest effort to keep all this within the context of the time period it's depicting.......

                 Loaded with anachronistic dialogue and turns of plot that couldn't possibly ever happen at the turn of the century, the show becomes unintentionally funny in its desperate, gasping attempts to turn the original "Anne Of Green Gables" into a ripped-from-the-headlines panorama of all our modern maladies,,,,,,

                     The only thing they might have missed was having one of characters call out the constable after seeing a black guy fixing a fence.......

                   We hate to burst the bubble that Moira Walley-Beckett no doubt lives in concerning her faux-cleverness at updating a beloved children's book........sorry, Moira.......the show's dopey and amateurish and its blatant, insistent editorializing rings false at every turn.

                   Pay no attention to this show's bait-and-switch attempt to present itself as a   children's/young adult's just one person typing a long long, long political manifesto.  1 star (*) .......(for the actors only)

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