Sunday, July 8, 2018


                   We promise to make this quick......'cause even thinking about this stuff gives us a migraine and stomach pains........

                   Scott Pruitt drains himself.......the one man swamp sinks to the bottom of his own toxic abyss........the stench so bad, even Baby Orange could smell it....

                   The British Baby Orange parade much as we'd love to believe that the creators of this balloon got the idea from our posts dubbing Dear Leader as Baby Orange.....the brilliance of this balloon was inevitable, with or without us......

                   Ooops, there goes Baby Orange's 10 minute New Best Friend, Kim.....Little Rocket Man doesn't like us any more.......well, that romance lasted at least as long as one of Britney Spears' marriages.....

                    Baby Orange defends another minion   Really, how could Sen. Jim Jordan have possibly sat by and watch his school wrestlers abused?  After all, he's genuine card-carrying Minion in the service of his Master........therefore all his accusers (like Roy Moore's accusers and Baby Orange's accusers must be liars)   Sure.

                    Baby Orange mocks George H. W. Bush's 'Thousand Points Of Light'..... since he himself exists only in a bubble of narcissism, Baby O. can't picture a nation of people volunteering to help others.......yes, the concept must seem as foreign and remote to him as the dark side of the moon......



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