Sunday, July 22, 2018


Rosy (2018)     Oh, for the love of chloroform........another one?

               Yes.......another nerdy, lonely guy Doug (Nat Wolff) thinks the best way to find a soulmate is to drug and imprison her........

                 Doesn't anyone at the corner drugstore get suspicious when guys like this come in, asking where do they keep Chloroform in the Economy Size?

                 The object of Doug's affliction.......would-be actress Rosy (Stacey Martin), currently moping through a desultory affair with an older, married guy (Johnny Knoxville)

                  And then we suffer through the standard connect-the-dots plot points of the 'captive-love-slave' genre.......Rosy moving from initial terror and rage to grudging acceptance......and then moving on the expected sly seduction of Doug, waiting for her chance to slug him and run........

                   Typically, there's all the expected physical wear 'n tear on both captor and captive......(love-slave characters need to make sure they carry medical insurance......

                  We held our impatience and annoyance with this movie to a low roar until it popped its deliberately ambiguous can practically hear the writer and director high-fiving each other for their Film Festival cleverness.....

                   Hey, guys......go screw yourselves and your clever ending.

                 As we pointed out in posts on other captive-love-slave movies, you're better off  just sticking with the ancestor of this genre, William Wyler's 1965 film of John Fowles' "The Collector" with Terence Stamp and Samantha Eggar.   All the rest are also rans.......

                 As for "Rosy".......1 imprisoned star (*).....we might have like it more if we'd used the jumbo Economy Size Chloroform........on ourselves.


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